Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > vicious vole?

vicious vole?

21 15:38:39

Hi Nastasha,
I asked another person about voles because I haven't really seens any post about having them as pets. She had said that they can be quite vicious as adults. I'm really sad, I thought it would be friendly if tamed? She suggested letting it go at 4 weeks since they are not meant to keep as pets. What do I do? My family loves him. I'n really sad.

Sincerely, Sad Mommy Vole

Dear Kate,

There are animals who never quite get reliably tamed, such as raccoons, I believe.  I don't know about voles.  I don't think it is likely that they would not be tame.  However, it isn't even possible yet to identify little Brownie, far less give him his walking papers.  

Don't get rid of him so fast.  Raise him and identify him when you can.  If you want to send a picture or two I can tell you if he looks like a mouse to me.  

Even though little mice grow fast, they don't grow as fast as your thoughts, so let him catch up!

By the way you scared me! With the headline 'sad' I was afraid he had died!!!  Make sure even if you run out of questions ; ) that you let me know how he is at 4-5 weeks (3 weeks after opening his eyes) and if you have figured out  his sex.

squeaks n giggles,
