Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Cannibalisim


21 15:39:33

I used to have three mice, one buck and two does. About a week and a half ago the buck died and I found bite marks around his eyes and on his body. One of the does is pregnant with his litter and I was wondering what the signs will be when she's about to go into labor because I want to watch her just after the birth as I am scared she will cannibalize her pups or her cagemate might cannibalize them. Do you think that is proof of a behavioral problem?

The bite marks could have been made after he died naturally, mice sometimes eat the dead to clean up the cage. Pregnant mice enjoy the extra protein. I am sure there is nothing to worry about especially as it was the male that died. If it was one of the females there would be cause for concern as the male may have got a little carried away during the mating. It is very unlikely the females killed him, he probably died through natural causes.

I would strongly advise against looking at the babies for at least 3 days as the mother may see you as a predator and eat her young. When she gives birth it is very important you don't watch or disturb her as this will cause her a lot of stress. You can start to handle the babies when they are 5 days old.

To make sure the mother is as stress free as possible, keep the cage away from noise and drafts as well as other animals. Sometimes the mother will eat her young because they are deformed, runty or if there are too many for her to raise. On rare occasions first time mothers don't know what they are or what to do with them or get carried away eating the placenta. Although difficult for you if she eats them, they are her babies and its her decision.

Her cage mate will help raise the babies so you can keep them together. Don't be surprised if she is pregnant too.

Please feel free to ask any more questions.