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Missing fur on face

21 15:20:11

I have two female white mice that I bought in October. They are extremely active and seem happy, but I just noticed that they are both missing hair on either side of their nose where their whiskers would be. They are not itching or seem ill, they just have those two missing patches. The skin appears normal and not irritated. I can't find any information on what they could have and if I should be concerned. I also have other animals in my home and even though they do not socialize and I always wash my hands after handling them, I am still concerned that it could be contagious. I am a veterinary technician, and don't have much experience with pocket pets. Please point me in the right direction so I can seek them help if necessary. Thank you in advance. If you would like a picture I will be happy to send one right away.

Abbey owner of Pinky and the Brain

Hi Abbey,

In some cases, missing fur *can* be a result of parasites like mites, but in this case it just sounds like they're "barbering" each other.  Barbering can just be whisker chewing, or it can be more extensive like chewing the coat into designs, and is usually something a dominant mouse does to a submissive one.  The behavior is learned, however, and in some cases they will do it to each other instead of just the submissive female.  Barbering does not usually result in irritation to the skin like parasites or allergies would - the fur is simply chewed away in certain areas while grooming.

Unless you see scabs or other injuries that may lead to infections I wouldn't worry about it.  I would keep an eye out for fighting, though, in case questions of dominance get the better of them (in which case they should be separated for a bit to prevent serious injuries).  It's a mouse thing, so it shouldn't affect any of your other animals.  :)
