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releasing wild tamed mice

21 15:24:07


About two months ago I found two baby mice stuck to a glue trap, and with your help raised them into healthy adult mice.  Yesterday one of them got out somehow, and is now somewhere in the house.  I hope we can trap him.

But my question is regarding the remaining mouse.  I would like, if it's safe to do so, to release him in the woods somewhere far from trouble.  I'm worried because it's already quite cold at night and only going to get colder.  Will he be able to survive in the wild, and if so, how best do I help him?  Although I've gotten attached to them (sob, so worried about the little guy that got away) I think that they are better off somewhere else, if that's possible.

Thanks for any advice you can give.

Dear Deborah,

I love hearing that my little faraway 'clients' did well!  When it comes to releasing mice, my personal preference is to keep dropper-raised babies as pets if they are happy, as they will not have learned how to best take care of themselves.  I don't remember how old your little ones were when you found them.  In any case, here is some good information about releasing mice, including plans for a release shelter, in case you are feeling handy:

You're certainly right that it's only going to get colder, so of course the sooner the better.  Offering food and temporary shelter will help. And at least 1 1/2 miles from home or you may find yourself reacquainting yourself with the same mice!

best of luck to the little things,

squeaks n giggles,
