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skin problem- mice

21 15:18:34

I have 4 little mice. They are 2.5 months old. They had mites problem and I used 'Spot on'. It helped. But now after a 3 weeks after, 3 of them have got something on their left side of body about 1cm from ear, it is more gray than black and looks like human mole, it's velvet. I did not find any information and  maybe you can help. Thank you in advanced.

Hi Nina,

That sounds very bizarre, would it be possible for you to write me a followup and include a photo so I can get a better idea of what it might be?  Is the area raised, or does it feel lumpy underneath at all?  Is there any chance the spots could simply be hair growing slowly back?  Does the area feel hot or swollen?  Can you tell if the skin is discolored, or just the fuzz?  Is it on the exact same spot on all three of the mice?  Are the mice female?

In weird situations like this, the best option is to take them all together to a vet who works with pocket pets and ask for professional advice.  We do what we can here, but a vet always knows best!

If you can help me learn more about it, please feel free to write me back and I'll see what I can figure out.  :)