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pinkie mouse

21 15:18:23

Our feeder mouse just had a baby mouse and she tried to eat it so we took it out of the nest and now i am trying to hand raise it. i cannot afford cat milk right now so im trying warm cows milk fed with a paint brush. she will not take the paint brush and im not sure how to care for her wounds. im a first time pinkie owner and i have no clue where to start!

Hi Liza,

I hope you can rescue the pinky but if it has wounds it doesn't have the best chances. Here is a link too an answer I gave someone about raising a pinky. Note there was a typo: The second sentence should read "If it is almost *two weeks* old (although scrawny) it might be ready for real food soon."

The post describes how you must keep it warm and rub its genitals after it eats to help it to eliminate. If you can't get the kitten milk, use soy milk. Cow's  milk isn't very good for it.

Best of luck to the baby;

