Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Should I introduce 5 week old male mice, will they fight later on?

Should I introduce 5 week old male mice, will they fight later on?

21 15:33:08

Allright. So my friend decided to hand raise 3 little feeder mice, which turned out to be two females and a male. I took the male home and he now lives in the ten gallon tank with a mesh top my brother gave to me after his dwarf hamster passed away to the happy wheel in the sky. (I cleaned it thouroughly) and Hedgehog now lives in the ten gallon tank. But I worry, somewhat obsessively, if he gets lonely. I would like to get him a companion, but i know the male teddy bear hamster I used to own was perfectly happy with his sprawling wire cage and just me for a companion. I know male mice fight, but I don't want Hedgehog to be lonley, as I go to highschool during the day, sleep at night, and try to play with him in between when he's not sleeping. I'm not sure if I should get him another feeder mouse, or one thats breed to be a pet.

How should I introduce them, and is there a risk of them fighting when they get older. Will the ten gallon tank be enough for him to live in, will it be enough for two?

Please and thanks! I am worried about him...I mean he's helthy (as far as I can tell) Sleek, bright eyes, a wee bit on the fat side but that's just him. How to go about getting him a companion? or would he be happier on his own?

Dear Samantha,

Isn't Hedgehog lucky to have such a concerned mom!  Unfortunately, he will fight with another male, and they will likely eventually fight to the death. Mice are very social creatures,  unlike Hamsters, but male mice are just destined to live alone unless they were never separated from their brothers or father.  You will have to be his mouse companion.  This means giving him quality people time at least an hour a day.  Interact with him with your hands and your face.  Give him lots of petting.  He will become very close to you and be a wonderful little pet.  The cage is fine for him.

Bless his little heart.  Have fun with him!

squeaks n giggles,
