Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > young white mouse sctratching

young white mouse sctratching

21 15:31:39

He has been scratching his fur off around his neck until it looks pink.  Is it safe to put baby powder on it or should I use something like neosporin.

Dear Marcia,

Your mouse may have mites, but a vet would know for sure.  If you can, bring him to the vet. I don't think baby powder will help at all. Neosporin might prevent infection, but the source of the problem would not go away.

If you can't get him to a vet, the following post describes how to treat for mites at home.  Remember, it might not be mites.  If I  had to hazard a guess I would say 80% chance it's mites.

Best of luck.

