Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Multiple mice, same age, wobbly walking

Multiple mice, same age, wobbly walking

21 15:09:49

Hello. I'm having a problem with some of my mice. I have 1 permanent male and 5 permanent females and their offspring in a colony situation (young get sold when they're old enough). This latest batch of younglings has me worried. Out of around 40 young mice, 5 have uncontrollable, violent wobbling when they walk. It isn't a respiratory infection. I know what that looks like. No circling, no head tilts, no sneezing. The wobbling seems to be in the hind legs. All of the other mice are acting fine. Any idea what this could be? If you need further information, please let me know.

There is the possibility that this could be genetic. I recently had to retire my old male, so I had to introduce a new one.

Dear Kelly,

Mice are as prone to any kind of disease, including muscle disabilities, as people are. This could be, for example, cerebral palsy. This is bad genetics, and this female should not be bred again.

Do find a home for them or keep them where they will be loved and carefully cared for as their disability calls for.

