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Rescued feeder mouse

21 15:40:08

My husband and I recently rescued 4 feeder mice, actually we just stole them from a friend about to feed them to his snake! lol. This was about 3 weeks ago, and one by one I would find a dead fuzzy mousey :( Theres one still alive but she (I think) looks so lonely, and is shaking a bit when she walks around. She doesnt really come out to play or run on her wheel. I put 2 fuzzy cat toys in there figuring she'll think its a friend and she just cuddles with them day and night. I dont know what to do? I hope she doesnt die as well :( I woud go get her a friend but the pet store by me doesnt have feeder mice....can she be paired with anything else? Does this sound like depression or could she be dying, or possibly just cold?? I have her in a S.A.M. dingo down under cage, its completely plastic and I'm told it keeps them warm. Help my snugglebutt!
Thanks so much

It's not your fault they died, feeder mice don't live as long due to interbreeding.

Your mouse is stressed and lonely. She needs a buddy as mice are very social creatures. Try to get her a friend around the same age and size. Take her along to the pet shop and see which mouse she gets along best with by placing them both in a small tank. She can be paired with both pet and feeder mice as long as they are the same sex. Feeder mice are pet mice, the only difference is feeder mice are interbred.

Make sure she has lots of bedding eg hay, kitchen or toilet roll etc and a home such as a cardboard box. When you get her a buddy she won't be cold as they will snuggle together.

Please feel free to ask any more questions. Good luck.