Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Hopping itching mouse

Hopping itching mouse

21 15:39:04

QUESTION: I have just bought three mice but one of my mice has been jumping around and twitching a lot. I haven't changed her bedding but there are two other mice with her and I have just recently given them a mouse nest ( c. Animal Planet products) and a mouse chew tube with fuzz and bark chews(Animal planet) I'm worried also because just this morning I heard them squeaking from their cage and I think that they might have been fighting but I'm not sure if they were. Do you think that she might have something wrong with her?The other mice itch but they don't hop around like she does. Also, she got caught between a bar and her wheel once while another mouse was running on it.Do you think that that might have hurt her? She acted fine after I took the wheel away..

ANSWER: How was she caught? If her neck was twisted it could have severed or damaged something in her spinal cord but that is a stretch. Is your bedding wood based? This could cause allergies in mice, switch to something else like Carefresh or Yesterday's News. In any case wood based beddings are bad because it causes lung problems in all mice. It has the same effect asbestos has on humans. The fighting and squeaking is okay as long as it's not all the time and no blood is drawn. If the fighting persists you need to take the culprit out. Other than the itching your jumping mouse is probably fine. I had a little mouse that jumped around a lot and she was perfectly fine.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My mouse was caught around her stomach area and once again she was caught there today but now she seems fine.The bedding I use is CareFresh pet bedding.It kind of looks like torn up cardboard. Also another thing that worries me, is it okay for mice to eat their own feces? I wasn't sure if she was doing it before but earlier today I saw her pick up her own poo and start to eat it...Thank you so much for your information. I thought it was an allergic reaction to the food but even after I put her on a rice diet she was still jumpy.

Sounds to me like your mouse is fine. Mice sometimes eat their own feces, it's totally normal. The common explanation is a shortage of vitamins, usually vitamin K. Try adding vitamin drops for small animals in your mice's water. This can be purchased at most pet stores.