Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Feeding feeder mice; mouse & hamster?

Feeding feeder mice; mouse & hamster?

21 15:32:34

1] what all can u give feeder mice? can it be peanut butter?

2] can u breed a feeder mouse with a hamster? if not why?

Dear Ashley,

If you will only have the feeders for a day or two, treats such as crackers, nuts, popcorn, sunflower seeds, and a thin layer of commercial peanut butter (to prevent choking), are fine.  If you keep mice more than two days, you should get some pre-made rat and mouse mix from the pet store.  Much as they like treats, they need nutritional balance to be and feel healthy.

Mice and hamsters do not cross-breed.  They are completely different kinds of animals like cats and dogs.  Hamsters will also often bite mice, so the two should be separated.

