Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Should I treat cut on mouse with antibiotic?

Should I treat cut on mouse with antibiotic?

21 15:31:40

A few months ago my mouse cut herself on one of her toys (i think). It is under her ear so it is hard to get cream on it without getting it in her eyes because she doesn't now want me to go near it at all. Everytime it scabs she scratches the scab off and makes the cut worse.
Besides the cut she is healthy, active, and eating.
I am just worried because she keeps making it worse and I am having a hard time with the neosporin.
I read another post where you told someone to put Tetracycline in the water. Do you think this could help mine? Also could I mix it with something else instead because there is another mouse in the tank and I worry about her drinking it.

Thank you very much


I would recommend trying the Tetracycline in the water.  The other mouse will be fine with it.  It's not a lot different than the way Americans (not sure about other countries) get antibiotics in our meat supply.  For the most part it's benign, though I wouldn't make a habit of giving healthy mice antibiotics for no reason, for reasons of immunity (which is also why it's bad in our meat).

Best of luck to the mouse.  If this doesn't help, or she shows any  other signs of illness, she should see a vet.  

