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Me poor meecy...

21 15:40:09

Hello, I breed mice for my two snakes but I find the mice sooo adorable I tend to choose favorites among the males and females. I had a beautiful two year old black female mouse who was at the end of her pregnancy and was going through contractions, she was ready to give birth but as soon as the first baby began to come out she died. I don't know why and it was heart wrenching, previously she had mucous in her eyes and I had to hold her frequently because she refused to sleep with her fifteen other cage mates and was cold as ice. Would you know what could've possibly happened? It was so sad, she was my best friend.

She died because you disturbed her during birth. She probably thought you were a predator e.g a snake and died of stress. Two year old mice shouldn't be bred as they are too old and won't have the strength to cope with rearing young.

Breeding mice for the purpose of feeding them to a snake is cruel. If you have to give mice to your snakes give them frozen pinkies. This way they will suffer less. Imagine being thrown into a tank of hungry killer sharks...