Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Keeping field mouse as a pet

Keeping field mouse as a pet

21 15:32:17

My cats bring in little brown field mice, my daughter asked if we could keep one, what is your advise on this, can they be tamed, are they dangerous?..he is very placid and not very skitish...we have had him 2 days and he is drinking and eating? his name is oliver?


Wild mice don't make very good pets because they are generally unhappy with their new surroundings.  I also would not recommend trying to tame an adult mouse.  They will bite hard.  

I would also have wanted to keep the mice when I was a kid-- I got lucky and was allowed to have tame mice since I was 5.  This is what I recommend.  Tame mice make excellent pets.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news : ( !

