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2 baby mice

21 15:24:03

I rescued 2 baby mice today from a pet store...they were set aside as food for snakes.  Both have fur and one baby has its eyes open, the other should be opening his soon. From what I understand, baby mice should be fed every couple of hours. Does this mean I need to wake up every couple of hours throughout the night to feed them? When can I start introducing hard food, and what kind? I have been feeding them kitten replacement milk w/ a small dropper. One eats better than the other.
I'm also concerned a/b whether I should be handling these mice. I am almost 5 months pregnant. Do you think this is safe?  

You will find all the information you need to care for the babies by searching all of my previous answered questions. You should be fine handling the mice while pregnant, however, I am no doctor and you may want to speak with your physician about this. There is one disease that can be transmitted from rodents to humans, however it is very rare. If you are at all concerned you can purchase gloves from your local drug store, or have another person care for them. Congrats on the pregnancy! :)