Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Fostering Deer Mice

Fostering Deer Mice

21 15:20:18

QUESTION: Okay so just yesterday I got a text from a friend asking if I was able to foster 5 baby field mice that someone had found and that momma had "abandoned". Don't know if she would have came back for them or not but since the other people had already picked them up and brought them in the house I had no choice but to take them and foster them. I don't know how to tell how old they are though. They are covered in fur already but their eyes and ears are still closed. I have been feeding them 5-6 times a day and helping them go potty. I have been keeping their "cage" on a heating pad to keep them warm. Does anyone have a "timeline" of what I can go by to see approx how old these guys are? Also they are very active, vocal and eat very well, so they don't seem sick or anything, they walk around pretty good for being as little as they are and are starting to clean themselves a bit. I have a couple of pics of them if that will help. Any advice, hints, tips, etc
would be very well appreciated.

Here are the links for the pics...

Thanks in advance!!

ANSWER: Dear Tiffany,

Those are the cutest little tykes in the world... they are little Deer Mice and they are about to open their eyes. Mice open their eyes starting around day 14.

The best thing to feed them is kitten milk replacement, and actually they ought to be fed every 2 hours around the clock! It's a good time to see if you can establish their sexes, since your later decisions may rest on that knowledge. Use this link:

A day or so after they open their eyes they may get a bit jumpy, because vision brings a whole new scary aspect of life.  Careful not to lose them!  You can stop feeding them either when they stop accepting the formula or in 2 weeks. Within a week they will be interested in crackers, vegetables, seeds, etc.

A lot of the rest of the story depends on if you are going to keep them.  Deer mice make good pets.  I see by your FB page that you linked me to, that you have a variety of pets (so I know why your friend thought of you when they found the mice!).  

I took the liberty of FB Friending you, you can ignore if you like. Have fun with the babies!

squeaks n giggles,


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hey thanks for answering me! Do you have any tips for keeping the tank warm? I have a heating pad underneath it and it shuts off every hour. Thanks to modern technology and auto-shut off. It's fine when I'm awake or when I'm home but when I go to sleep it starts to get cool.
Unfortunately I lost one little boy today(06/29) just a little bit ago(about 5:30pm). One of the other boys is starting to look very weak and the 6th one that I was brought who I was hoping would turn around is starting to get extremely weak. I didn't think she would make it this long because she was alone for so long and without food, so she is doing great for what I though, but I don't think she will make it a few more hours. The other 3 are looking great as of right now, but then again all 6 of them looked AMAZING just 2 hours ago when I fed them! I feel awful, it's so hard to lose them, and I can't help but think I am doing something wrong! Help please.

Dear Tiffany,

Is it turning off because it gets too hot? It should be on its coolest setting. Or perhaps modern heating pads just turn off after a while to avoid being left on a sleeping person. A hot water bottle only needs to be changed every 6 hours. A lizard rock works great. Or a light bulb near the nest- you'll need to experiment to find the right distance. Whichever method you use, make sure they can wriggle away from the heat source in case it gets too hot.

You're not doing anything wrong. You just aren't a mother mouse. These babies have suffered terrible trauma. They want to be with their mom, drinking mouse milk every 30  minutes. A lot of times orphan mice don't survive.  Don't blame yourself for the ones which don't make it. But give yourself credit for the ones that do.

