Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > sick baby mouse

sick baby mouse

21 15:07:59

Hi, I have a baby mouse ,one of a litter of 7(3 other babies died at 1wk) it is 2wks 3days old in the last few days it seems not to be feeding from its mum , is panting eyes not fully open and is not very active.What could be wrong and can I do anything to help it? Thanks in advance.Eve.

Dear Eve,

It sounds to  me like there is a genetic abnormality in the line.  Neither that doe, nor the father, nor any of the babies should  be bred,

There is nothing to do with a pup who won't eat, that would be called a lethal gene.

I hope it passes quickly. Dying of starvation is not pleasant :( :( if you can get it put to sleep it would be kind.

Very sorry. I hope the remaining 6 stay healthy.

