Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Pooping


21 15:40:01

Dear Panya,

My mouse Bella has been acting really weird. She has been less active and has been pooping alote.

Can you plz tell me what wrong

Make sure you are feeding her a diet of mouse or hamster food. Eating her poop may be a sign she hasn't enough of the correct food. Pooping more than usual can mean she is stressed and frightened.

Reduced activity in mice is usually a sign of depression or old age (12 months +). Mice are social creatures and get depressed if they are kept on their own. It is very important she has at least 1 cage buddy of the same sex.

I can give you more accurate advise if you tell me what other behavior changes there are that constitute as 'weird'.

Please feel free to ask any more questions.