Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > will mouse who killed her babies kill another mouses babies?

will mouse who killed her babies kill another mouses babies?

21 15:17:23

so i had a litter of babies a while ago but the mom killed her kids, i am now breading a different female mouse with my male and i let her visit the other females so that she doesnt get detached from them but when she has her babies will the other female mouse who killed her babies try to do the same to the new babies that are not hers?

Dear Charlotte,

Usually when a mother mouse eats her babies she has a good reason: They died, they were unhealthy, she feels it is not a safe environment to raise pups in, or she is a first time mother and got confused.

Several of these reasons don't make it any more likely that she would harm another litter. However, the risk is certainly greater. You really mustn't put her in and take her out-- that is too stressful for the mom. She either has to live there or live nearby.

So you have two issues. On the one hand, it is wonderful for a mother mouse to have a friend to sit on the babies. It gives her freedom to eat, run in the wheel, etc. On the other hand, this mouse has never shown maternal tendencies. It's your choice. I would choose to house them together but watch carefully for any signs of trouble during the first two days. But there is that heightened risk.

I wish I could make the decision easier. Good luck and have fun with the babies. And if you do keep them together, could you let me know what happens?


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