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Mouse Scab

21 15:05:55

Hello Tamarah

I'm back with the scab questions again for grey :(

For the past 3 weeks I have taken my mouse grey to the vet 3x and treated him for mites. He definitely doesn't have any mites left on him but the scarring on his face is still there. He has been given oral antibiotics and has had it for 3 days now, but it doesn't look like its clearing up at all. He eats normally plays normally and is still himself but he will still scratch the scar until its either raw or bleeding.

Is there anything I can put onto the scar so it doesn't itch or any cream that will be safe for grey for the scar to heal?

My local vet is running out of solutions as to what I can do for the scars to heal, I was hoping you would have some ideas or answers?

Thanks so much in advance

Hi Tammy,

I spoke last time about cleaning it on a daily basis with betadine and water, and applying a very thin coating of triple antibiotic ointment a couple of times a day to protect it.  Have you had a chance to try that yet?

Additionally, when you have brought him to the vet, did the vet try different miticides, such as Revolution (selamectin), or just reapply the ivermectin?  Has the vet done a skin scrape and positively identified that the itching definitely WAS caused by mites, and not something else, such as allergies, sensitivities, or a neurotic tic?

If you can write me a follow-up with these details, I can help out a bit better.  Hoping Grey feels better soon,
