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mice sneak out of wire cage

21 15:20:54

Hi Natasha,

How have you been?

Just to let you know the babies are going really well at the moment. they are now 2 months old..

I am struggling to keep them in a wire cage at this present time as the bar spacing is 10mm and they can easily zip in and out of them. Quite often theyd be crawling around the top of the hutch.
These mice are half wild half domestic. They seem to be growing fairly quick. Ideally i'd like them big enough not to escape through the bars of the cage. Howl ong does it usually take for the mice to grow to their full size? Would it make difference with half domestic/wild ones?

Thanks Nastasha :)


Dear Martin,

Great, thanks : ) Enjoying the warm Spring weather here!  I'm so glad the babies are doing well.

As you have found out, you can't keep little mice in wire cages. Wild mice will always be able to get through 10 mm.  I don't know how big your half-breeds will be, but I wouldn't count on them ever growing big enough! I'm glad to hear that they come back, anyway, after they escape, but there are dangers for little mice out in the real world (I assume you DON'T have a CAT!!).  They really need an aquarium with a tight fitting lid.  A reptile tank is often nice because they tend to have more room.

squeaks n giggles,
