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Barbering mouse.

21 15:24:18

Hi! I have 2 female mice currently. Dinah has been barbering Simba- poor Simba is missing whiskers and fur from both cheeks. I know this common and normal. But I don't know what to do from here. They already have a pretty big cage. Also, does this hurt Simba? I feel so bad for her.
I can't wait to hear an answer. Thanks! :]

I do not have much experience with barbering, except in cats. If it does start to get out of hand I would suggest seperating the two. You can try putting some bitter apple on Simba to deter Dinah from excessively grooming her. Just make sure not to get any near her eyes. It may be a little uncomfortable for Simba, but most don't seem to mind. If she seems umcomfortable when the other mouse grooms her, I would try seperating them. You don't want to stress Simba out any more than she already is, which in turn could lead to other health problems such as respiratory disease. Try the bitter apple. If that doesn't work you can always knit Simba a sweater. ;)