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I need help! Orphan baby mouse.

21 15:17:28

My sister just rescued a newborn mouse from a cat attack, the rest of the family including the mother didn't make it. The problem is we know nothing about how to take care of a baby mouse. She's been feeding it warm milk and has kept it in a warm box with straw and a small piece of cloth for it to sleep in. I read that their lactose intolerant and that kitten milk is ideal for them and can be sold at most pet stores but the problem with that is there are no pet stores around us. What do we do? We don't want to see the baby mouse die. Please can you help us. We need to know what to do.

Dear Jessica,

First, keep it very warm. A heating pad on low will be useful but you have to make sure it doesn't get hot.

Second, soy milk is an OK substitute for kitten milk. You can use a dropper, syringe, clean watercolor paintbrush, or even a corner of a paper towel or very clean lint-free cloth. It needs to nursed every two hours! It's used to feeding every half hour, so this is crucial. You will need to do this until at least a week after it opens its eyes at two weeks of age. A few days after it opens its eyes, start giving it yogurt, cream of wheat, or oatmeal to hopefully  wean it as early as possible.

Third, it is super important to rub its belly/genital area with a Q tip after each feeding, to help it to eliminate. Otherwise its system will back up and it will be poisoned. You will have to do this until it starts going on its own.

Next, it's very hard to replace a mouse mom; and this fellow has had a terrible shock and may even be injured. Don't be hard on yourself if it doesn't make it. You did the best you could.

Last, if it survives you have got yourself an awesome pet now! These little critters can be very lovable when they are hand raised, and they live longer than fancy or pet store mice.

Much, much, much luck.


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