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my mouse dies suddenly

21 15:20:35

hhiii . i was having a white mouse his age was 1 year and 1 month . today morning he was playing with me and was all ok . but after i have my breakfast i saw him lying in my bathroom with a lot of blood that came from his mouth and ear . last night he ate a bit of cake and was taking his food normally . can you please tell me what happened ??

Hi Manan,

If he was in your bathroom - did he escape from his cage?  If he was out and about any number of things could have happened to him, the first one that comes to mind is that he may have gotten into some kind of chemical or other bathroom product that poisoned him.  He also could have fallen, injured himself on something, or even fought with a wild mouse.  Unfortunately mice can be pretty fragile creatures, and without knowing more it's hard to say what caused it.  I'm very sorry for your loss.  :(
