Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > why are my mice dying so soon?

why are my mice dying so soon?

21 15:24:45

why are my mice dying i feed them i give them water and i clean there cage after they are about 2months are so old they start eating each other.and the last two that were in the cage just died.why are they dying?

Dear Krystie,

My heart goes out to you.  Something is very wrong.  I don't know your exact circumstances, but I'll help the best I can.

If they are killing each other, it may be because they are boys, and boys fight to the death.  But I think you are saying it is more than that.

You have to trouble shoot every possible item in their lives:

1.  Throw away the food you have been giving them and buy a new mouse mix or pellets/lab block.  Don't give them anything else to eat.  

2.  Wash everything in the cage and the cage itself with a bleach solution or boiling water.  Throw away anything cloth, wood, or paper.  

3.  Give them the same water that you drink. If the water bottle looks at all discolored or there is anything in it, replace it if possible.  

4.  Use only nontoxic materials for the nest:  Wood chips from the pet store (not just any wood chips), or Carefresh-type pet litter, and clean cloth, kleenex, etc.  Nothing with ink on it.  

5.  Make absolutely sure the room has no chemicals in it such as cleaners, hair spray, room deodorizer, furniture polish, etc.  

6.  The room temperature should be between 65 and 75 degrees, out of the sun, with no drafts, with little fluctuation.  

7.  Toys should be nontoxic, with no paints, glues, or dyes.  When in doubt, take it out.

8.  Don't get your mice from the same place.  They may have sick mice or genetic defects.

9.  Don't put new mice in contact with current mice until the current ones have been healthy for a month or more.  

10.  Wash your hands before handling the mice.  Don't let small children handle them.

If you follow all of these steps you should have success with future mice.  By the way, when a mouse eats another it usually means the other mouse died of something else and the surviving mouse needs to make sure the dead mouse doesn't rot and contaminate the cage. This is instinctive.  

Best of luck.  Again, I am so sorry for your misfortune.

