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Found an unhappy baby field mouse

21 15:14:19

I found a baby field mouse, hes kinda in rough shape. I was wondering if you could help me. He seems to be missing some fur, or its mashed down and very dirty. Regardless spots of his pink skin are showing and im not sure how to help him or what it could be.
Hoping you can help!

Dear Natasha,

Not knowing how big it is or what it looks like, I don't know if it is sick or just an infant without its fur yet.

Make it a little warm box on a hot water bottle or on a heating pad on low, both on a towel so it doesn't get too hot.  Put the box either in a bigger box, or in the bathtub, in case it feels better fast in the night and jumps out of the little box. Give it some bits of cracker and apple, as well as some soy milk in a teeny tiny dish-- a bottle cap would be best.

If it is an infant, you don't absolutely want to wait overnight to nurse it. For the moment you probably only have regular milk; as soon as you can you would switch to soy or kitten milk. Take the corner of a paper towel or unused, clean watercolor brush and try to get it to take the milk.  Hand nursed mice need to be nursed every two hours around the clock. Mom mouse does it every 30 minutes. Afterwards you have to rub its tummy with a Q tip to make it eliminate.

If it is not an infant-- and you will know because it eats what you give it-- the best you can do it wait a day to see how it does. If it lets you handle it, after a day take a warm washcloth and gently wipe the dirty spots. Do not let it get cold.

If it is lively within a few days you can let it go. If it is calm or sick, you can keep it as a pet.

Let me know what other questions you have. I have answered a ton of questions about orphan field mice and about field mice as pets. Search "natasha mice mouse" and whatever terms you are looking for.

Best of luck to the little thing.



PS a photo might help me help you.