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my mouse ate the other one

21 15:39:57

my mom called me when i was at work, and told me that my mouse was dead, i had two females, one ive had for about 2 months, the other i got just recently.  when i had my boyfriend take the dead one out for me (cause i wouldnt do it)  he said it looked like she had been crushed, she had no face, we looked at the cage, and we found the other mouse's jaw, feet, and bones.   why do you think this happened?

Dear Brittany,
thank you for your question.
It's normal for rodents to eat the body when one of them dies. They do it to keep their nest clean and also because it's a good source of animal protein for them, which they need. It's just an instinctive reaction and nothing to worry about.
I hope I was of some help to you