Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Chattering?


21 15:20:46

Hi Tamarah :)

My mouse cookie has had a respiratory infection before and i took her to the vet who gave her some antibiotics and she got over it within a week.
I know that it lowers a mouses "voice" and i've noticed that about cookie, but just recently she seems to have developed a louder churp, like she's chewing on something.

At first i thought it could be her getting aggitated by mites so i gave her a little wash with some insectasidal shampoo and ive noticed shes not scratching anymore, yet she's still making the noise. She eats and drinks healthy and seems fine...

Her food has a few cat biscuits in it, millet seeds, sunflower seeds and some other food could it be any of that?


Hi Churr,

It's somewhat common that a mouse who has gotten over a respiratory infection will chatter later in life.  Did you continue the round of antibiotics all the way until the end (14-30 days depending on the medication), past when she stopped showing symptoms?  If you'd like to be on the safe side, you could give her a full round again in case it's come back.  You're absolutely right, though, it does lower their voices if they've had infections in their past.

Those all sound like wonderful treats, in moderation of course.  Too much of anything can be a bad thing, but none of them would cause a chattering sound (other than when actually eating them, of course), so I wouldn't worry about that.

Definitely look for other symptoms to show up if you decide not to treat her again, such as wheezing, coughing, sneezing or weight loss, that could indicate the infection did come back.  Mice don't always become obviously sick until it's too late to fix, so you'll have to keep a keen eye on her *just* in case it isn't a normal chatter.

Best of luck!