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Pet Mouse Lump on Back

21 15:23:45


Bart's Bump
Hi Natasha,
My pet mouse Bart got a very small cut on his back a few weeks ago when my other mouse scurried over him (he needs his nails trimmed; can you do that with mice?!).  He had cleaned it up and it didn't seem to bother him at all, plus he was on antibiotics for a respiratory infection at the time so I figured he would be fine and wouldn't get infected.  Recently, the cut has turned into a lump that is growing and getting very red.  It is dry, no pus coming out or anything and has no odor.  It is almost like a human wart, cauliflower shaped and as I said, seems to be growing.  It doesn't seem to bother him at all, his temperament and eating/drinking/sleeping habits are the same.  He doesn't ever pick at it that I've noticed either.  Recently I noticed a similar bump on his tummy but he has not been cut at all there that I can recall, it has never been bloody nor have I seen a cut there.  I have attached a picture, it's not very good but it is the best I could get with him running around.  That was about a week or a week and a half ago and since then the lump has grown and as I said, become more red.  Do you know what this is/ what I should do about it?  

Dear Erin,

You should bring Bart to the vet.  Although I have seen a harmless wart on a mouse, the fact that it began at the site of an infection worries me.  

Yes, some people trim the  nails of their mice.  If you have a very experienced vet they may be able to do it.  I myself would never try it!

Best of luck to little Bart,

