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Long gestation/ miscarriage / flesh lump (mouse)

21 15:11:36


I was wondering what the longest time is that a mouse can be pregnant for after the 21 day time period and the longest time a mouse takes to give birth after 21 days. Ginger showing all he symptoms of pregnant including taking food into her home, stretching for longer periods when she gets up onto the foodf bowl. I lifted up the lid I found a mound like tissue formation. When she stays in one position she looks exactly like a golf ball. I will attach a picture. Thanks!

Hi Olivia,

It doesn't sound good. When you say a mound like tissue formation, you mean a blob of tissue, maybe the size of a mouse pup? If so, she is miscarrying.  In this case I don't think any of the pups will have survived. We can only hope that she manages to pass all of them.

If that is not what you mean, let me know. It is very unusual for gestation to be 24 or more days. The breeder I just asked said it can happen with back-to-back litters that the gestation is 24 days-- which makes sense because the last litter is still nursing-- but I assume this is a first time pregnancy; and he has never heard of 25 days. He wrote "I get very anxious whenever mice aren't delivered by day 22."

You will just have to wait and see... but if she seems in any distress, she must go to the vet, since that will mean she is unable to pass some of the dead pups.

Let me know what happens.

Poor little girl, having to go through pregnancy without any nice babies to show for it!

