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My orphan mouse wont eat

21 15:19:26

My brother found a baby mouse yesterday, I believe he is an eastern harvest mouse, we live in Florida.
We just got him stuff to eat with, a syringe and some kittens milk. His eyes are open but look like they haven't been open long and his ears are slightly off his head, but he is still very small, maybe the size of a golf ball.
I keep trying to feed him the milk but he won't take it, and I've tried getting him to go to the bathroom, but it just isn't happening, what else could I do to get him to eat, I don't want to hurt him but I know he needs to eat quite often.

Dear Morgan,

There's not a lot you can do. Usually they have a hard time eating at first but figure it out soon. But if he doesn't figure it out, he won't survive. I have only one suggestion. Mix about 1/3 Gatorade with his kitten milk and try that.  Gatorade has some of the minerals he needs and it tastes sweet so he might like it. Once he figure it out you would reduce and eliminate the Gatorade as soon as possible because the sugar is not good for him.

I hope he has figured it out by now, I hate it when I don't get to my baby mouse rescue questions right away. It's not possible for me to be on call 24 hours and I'm so sorry this comes late. I hope the situation has resolved itself without my help.

I wish him luck and health.

