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6 Day Labor?!?! Urgent!

21 15:39:20

Hi I really hope you an help.
My little girlie mouse, Snakebite (saved her from being snake food 2 years ago) is pregnant and WAAAY overdue for birthing her young! She is a bit over 2 years old now so Its no wonder shes having problems but I fear she may die if these babies do not come out in the next few days!

She has been in what certainly looks like mousie labor for 6 days now! today being the 6th, usually her labors only last a morning and the babes pop right out!
She seems very stressed, tired, her fur is thinning on her hips and shoulders and her little face seeems "sweaty".
She is still eating, i've been giving her romaine lettuce pieces hard and leafy, nutri-diet mouse/rat food and i have always given her little flakes of 'Special K' cereal (her favorite treat)
She is also drinking and i change her water bowl twice a day to keep her refreshed. I just don't know what else to do. It'd be a shame to just LET her die.
And I know everyone will suggest going to a vet, but I myself just had a baby and cannot afford the $40 visit fee let alone anything they will charge me for in office! :(

Any advice? I hope she can hold on through the pain poor thing.

There's really nothing anyone but a vet can do. I understand your dilemma though, it's expensive to go to a vet and I don't take my mice there because a vet usually can't really help anyway if they're sick. They can help with a birth though. Eating and drinking is a really good sign, it means she's not dying. Try checking under her tail for any bleeding or if she is dilated, usually it's REALLY hard to tell with mice but if she's been in labor that long you should be able to tell. Also, check right under her tail to see if there's a bulge, that would be a baby and try to ascertain if the baby is in breech. If it is you could try moving it into the right position.
This is hard, takes a LOT of effort and concentration because you have to be really gentle yet add enough pressure to be able to move the little thing. It's not all that successful usually and it's really hard to do. I actually saw a doctor do it on a woman on one of those Discovery health shows and a few months later when my mommy mouse seemed to be in labor with a breech pup I tried it and after literally two hours I was successful in moving the pup into the correct position but it was pretty hard.
   If you'd like to try I'll give you some tips. Run your finger along the bulge under her tail to see the baby's position, then you need to grip the baby through the skin which, again, is freakin' hard and try to gently prod it into a better position. I have only had the chance to do this about three times and only two of those times I was successful. It's not an exact science and it's mostly just me trying whatever I could to save my mouse's life at the moment, I was lucky that two out of three times it actually worked, not sure if it was just dumb luck or ingenuity. I hope this works for you and congratulations on your new baby! :)