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mouse nibbling on other mouses face

21 15:15:55

I just recently bought two mice, the shops in the area I bought them in call them "panda mice" because their markings make them look like pandas, but I'm pretty sure they're just fancy mice with different markings.

Anyway, they are both female. One is called Rhi, the other is called Mao.

Sometimes I wake up to Rhi squeaking. And when I go to their cage I see that Mao appears to be gnawing or biting at Rhi's face or neck. I'm not completely sure what she is doing, but Rhi definitely does not seem to be enjoying it! Her eyes are always shut tight and she seems to try to get away from Mao when she does that.

Is Mao trying to maul or kill Rhi or something? I am so scared because I had two hamsters before and one killed the other. So I am wondering if it is the same thing. Usually I try to shake the cage slightly to make her stop but she just does it again.
What is happening, and should I try harder to stop it? How can I stop it if I should?

My mom (I'm a teenager) , thinks maybe that they are fighting for their favorite food, but I'm pretty sure I give them enough.:/ Please help! I'm getting kind of scared!

Dear Esther,

It isn't fighting over something. It can be two things, which are very similar. It can be power grooming, which is when one mouse holds the other down and grooms it to show dominance. The other activity is called barbering, which is when one mouse chews the whiskers and fur off of another mouse. This is a habit which you pretty much can't break.  

I'm guessing this is not loud squeaking like pain. It's more like when mom combs the little girl's hair and the girl is whining that it hurts. Rhi is complaining, but she isn't hurt.

You only have to worry if there is blood. In that case you would separate them. Otherwise it's pretty harmless. The only thing you can do to reduce the behavior is to try to distract them with lots of toys.

Best of luck to Rhi.

