Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Sickly Fancy Mouse

Sickly Fancy Mouse

21 15:21:37

I bought my mouse from PetSmart about 6 months ago. I had originally bought two, however, one died a few months ago. The other was fine, until I changed his cage. I noticed he quit sleeping in his house suddenly. He also stopped being as lively as he used to, and his eyes are gunky looking and mostly closed. I picked him up earlier today, and noticed he seemed a tad cool. He was also easier to catch than usual. I held him for a few minutes, then went to put him back in his cage. He will usually crawl out of my hand voluntarily, but he didn't today. He fell asleep in my hand, which has never happened. What could be wrong?

Dear Kaitlyn,

Your mouse needs to go to the vet right away.  Mice don't show signs of illness until they are very sick. Especially a cold mouse is a very bad sign, because its hard for a mouse to keep warm, being so small.  Until he can go to the vet, keep him as warm as possible.  Holding him is a good idea.  I have had mice recover very well from illness just by holding them in my hand for a very long time (3-12 hours!).  He is too sick for that to cure him but it will help him survive until he gets to the vet.

It can be hard to find a good mouse vet.  Call around for someone who does 'pocket pets' or 'exotics'.  If you find two vets who say they do mice, ask how many mice they have seen lately.  

I wish your little mouse the best of luck and health.

