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Mouse poop color/consistency, dark tail?

21 15:20:19

question 1:  My mouse's poop is greenish and squishy, is this normal ?
question 2: my mouse's tail it blackish by his butt and pink the rest of the way up. it is black for about 3 centimeters and it goes all the way around. it does not look like a poop stain


Mouse poop color and consistency change depending on what the mice eat. If you feed them nothing but boring mouse food pellets or block all the time, their poop won't change much. If they eat a mix, their poop might change depending on which seeds they have chosen to eat-- they probably have favorites, which they start with, and only eat the seeds they like less when those are gone. Whatever it is that my mice eat last makes their poop a little runny, so in a way they tell me when they need more seed.  Their poop may also start out hard when you pick them up and then get softer as you hold them, too. And the more different treats you give them, the more inconsistent their poops will be.

The color of the poop varies depending on what they eat as well.  Some mouse mixes have dyes in them, either they dye the seeds or they dye little chunks of various sorts.  I would avoid this a as general rule, but it's not a big deal.  These colors affect the color of the poop.  Other foods have less dramatic effects on poop color.

If your mouse poops greenish, squishy poops occasionally, that's OK.  If it happens all the time, and you are feeding him a consistent mix or pellet, with no treats, you may want to consult a vet.

As for the tail.  I'm confused.  Is the natural color of the tail dark or is it dirty?  Mouse tails are different colors like the rest of the mouse.  They can be splotchy as well.  Was it always this color? If your mouse's tail JUST TURNED dark, he must go to the vet. That would be a bad sign.

Best of luck and health to your little buddy.

