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I think my mouse might be dying

21 15:38:55

I've had two mice for several months and I think my mouse Houdini has had at least two seizures in the last hour or so, she goes limp and kind of sprawls out and doesn't really seem to be breathing, her abdomen just sort of twitches, and her whole underside is like squishy, also there was some gunk in her left eye. I am afraid she won't live until the morning to be taken to the vet. Is there anything I can do until then? Oh, also, it seemed like her face turned blue during the episodes. and the fur behind her ears is sort of white, like she's old but i thought she was young. and there is a red blood vessel like thing right above her eye that i didn't notice until today.

Keep her warm and as comfortable as possible. It may be her time to go so be prepared for the worst. Mice can die naturally as young as 6 months old. Take her to the vet asap and make sure the food and water is easily accessible to her. You may also want to include her favorite foods in the cage. If she feels cold then say your goodbyes and try not to hold her as keeping her warm could be prolonging her agony. I really hope your vet can help her. Please feel free to ask any more questions.