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Nipping when handling

21 15:20:48

hi ive had my hopper mouse for some time now but recently she has started biting at me and my dad when we put our hand in the cage. she isnt biting us hard enough to draw blood or anything but she never use to do this before. so is she just giving us something like a love bite or is she playing around or what?

Hi Sara,

It's possible that something might be bothering her near her cage and causing her to act out.  Are there any electronics near her home?  Other animals that might be messing with her, or a new smell, sound, or bedding?  She also might not like how you pick her up, so she could be getting worried when you put your hand in to get her.  I would experiment with different ways of lifting her, especially coming from the side and not above (since that's how predators go for meeces), and also not interrupt when she is eating or napping, just in case that's the problem.

Some mice will lick, but biting is pretty much never a sign of affection.  You could try taking her out more often in case she just needs to get used to it, and checking her to make sure nothing is hurting her when you pick her up.  If you're worried for your hands you can use gloves, but that won't solve the problem.  It seems to me that something is bothering her, and she's trying to tell you about it.

Best of luck!