Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Mice > Mouse ear.. missing?!

Mouse ear.. missing?!

21 15:39:30

Hi,  I have one male mouse that I got a few months ago.  Previously I had an accident with mice, getting two from a pet shop that I was told were both females, and turned out to be either one female one male, or a pregnant female, because not long after I had 50 mice.  Anyway my one mouse now is very sweet, not particularly hand-trained but otherwise cute and entertaining.

We had a problem with some bedding I put in, he started itching, particularly behind his head, until there was a bleeding sore patch. I changed the bedding (it was some coconut stuff) and that has gone.. However now I have noticed that one of his ears is..well, disappearing, like its slowly being eaten away, but there's no wound, no sore or bleeding, no raw edge.. its simply fading away.  Its not rounded, but jagged edges. I'm very confused and worried about why his ear would simply start...disappearing.

Any ideas??

Dear Chaste,

I have done some research and asked the other four experts as well as my own experts and the only thing I have come up with is possible ringworm.  This can be serious and you should call your vet.  Every other affliction should include bleeding and scabbing.

Otherwise if the mouse appears normal I would wait to see what happens.

Really the best advice I can give is go to a vet.  This is unfortunately out of my expertise (so please don't rate me down!)  You don't have to rate at all.

I'm sorry I've been unable to help much.  Could you let me know what happens so I have information for another time? I will also keep an ear open..

