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only her tail twitches

21 15:39:50

hi i just found out about you and iv been searching for an answer my mouses tail twitches all the time and its just in her tail its like a little twitch like shaking and then it stops but it usally happens when she is active or after she gets out of her ball and is back in her cage i dont know if i should be worryed or what please help i just got them about 3 weeks ago and i dont want one of them to get sick!

thank you for your question.
Mice twitch their tail when they are excited or nervous. If she's throwing her tail around, making a loud noise (kind of like a whip),that's a sign of aggression and it's often the last warning fbefore a bite, but it doesn't sound like that from what you describe. I'm guessing that the mouse is just a nervous personality, she may stop that behaviour once she's feeling more secure with her new home.

I hope you don't mind me saying this, but I would throw away the ball. They can be dangerous, when the mouse gets stuck int he ventilation slits with her foot, many mice don't find the exit by themselves and they don't really enjoy running in it. Mice rely on their sense of smell, touch and hearing to find their way around and all they can feel, hear and smell inside it is the ball itself. Mostly, they just run to find an exit. New toys in their cage, branches and ropes to climb and gnaw are much more interesting for them. They also feel most comfortable in their cage and most don't enjoy being outside it, unlike many other rodents. Some will climb on their owners, though, to get some time outside the cage, but if a mouse doesn't do that, I would just lt her stay in the cage. Mice are more for watching than playning with.
I hope I was of some help to you