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What to feed orphan baby mouse

21 15:20:47

when my daughters boy friend was mowing the grass he hit a nest full of baby mice only one survived. he has a full gray coat of hair and his eyes are open . what should i do to feed them?

Dear Jackie,

It's hard for me to know from your description how old he is.  If he doesn't jump up high when you go to hold him, he may need to be nursed still. In that case you need some kitten formula (KMR) for him.  You can start with soy milk just to see if he will take it. You can give it to him with an eyedropper, syringe (no needle!), small paintbrush, even a bit of paper towel. Give him as much as he will take, which will be a few drops.  If he does not eliminate on his own, you need to rub his abdomen/genital are with a Q tip to help him along. Because his eyes are open, he is over two weeks, it's OK to be nurse him every 3-4 hours instead of two, and you won't have to do this for much over a week.

Also put a number of foods in his cage such as bits of crackers, seeds, a slice of apple, a bit of carrot, broccoli, and soft cheese.  If he eats these readily then he does not need to be nursed. A soda cap of water will be fine until he is big enough to use the water bottle.

Best of luck!  Do write back with more questions.  Also if you search under "mice, mouse, natasha, orphan, baby" you will find my other answers about the same topic. And DON'T blame yourself if he doesn't make it.  He has had quite a traumatic experience and it's hard to replace a mother mouse.  But if he survives, a hand-nursed wild mouse will be very sweet, and they live longer than pet store or fancy mice.

Have fun with your newfound pet.

