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Fur texture and hunched backs

21 15:20:42

Hey Tamarah,

How you been?

Just to let you know the mice have been fine and there have been no deaths since we last spoke.
Am a little concerned due to the fact that every so often the mice's hair gets kind of affroey..kinda bushy! When this happens they look a bit more hunch backed than usual. They also look very tired and slow with their eyes half shut and also sunk quite deep. Have you any ideas as to what this could be or how to try and help them out? It has been quite cold lately (sometimes down to 6 degrees celsius) they do have plenty of water (though i noticed the ball valve was a little jammed 2 days ago)

Please let me know.

P.S. they have had a diet of once a week lettuce/carrots and rest of the week (daily) cut up crackers mixed with mouse nut mix is this diet ok?

Thank you Tamarah

Marty! :)

Hi Marty, it's great to hear things have been going well!

That really sounds like dehydration to me, but the cold could be leading to that.  If they get too chilled they might not want to make it over to the water bottle or to food.  I would try to keep them warmer first, and maybe provide some more moist foods when you think they're starting to slow down.  Stale bread soaked in water is a great wet food to try - just don't let them get wet, or they'll get even colder.  Are the crackers salted?  That could be dehydrating them as well.

In any case I would try to avoid letting them get too cold or dehydrated as much as you can, because it can really take a lot out of them and cause long term problems.

Hope they feel better!