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How do I get my dog to listen?

19 9:10:07

My dog is turning 8 on the 15th of this month and have had him for exactly 7 years. Also, yes I have had a dog before.
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How do I get my pet chillahuh to listen to me?
Well, Garret, you have to train him! How old is he, how long have you had him, and have you ever had a dog before?

Get back to me and I'll do my best to help you out!


Wow, you've had him for 7 years and never done any training with him? I couldn't live with an untrained dog that long!

What is it you're wanting to teach him to do? I would recommend enrolling in a basic obedience class with him, but NOT one that is done at the pet store. Look in the phone book for dog training, and talk to several trainers about what it is you're wanting to do with him. Go and observe a few classes without him, to see if you think you will like that particular trainer or whatever.

Lastly, if he's running away from you and not coming back, don't EVER let him outside without a leash. Don't give him the opportunity to choose not to come when called.
