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sleeping arrangements

18 17:47:08

I have 2 toy fox terriers (a 1year old and 9mo.old). We started the first one out sleeping with us a night. It was fine with one, but we decided to get her a companion!! Needless to say I feel there's not enough room for my husband, me and the 2 puppies. I just don't feel I can relax at night, so not sleeping well. I want to know what is the best way to re-train them to sleep in their kennels at night without causing them (or me) to much stress!! They both have a kennel and stay in them when we have to leave the house. Thank you for any help you can give.

Hi Kathy.  I agree that the dogs need to have their own places to sleep.  If their crates are in your bedroom, great.  If not, move them there so that they can be in the same room with you overnight.

Pick a night when you don't need a good night's sleep, put them in their individual crates, say good night and go to bed. You must completely ignore all whining, barking crying - no eye contact, no conversation, just pretend it's not happening.  

The night you decide to start this, do something with the dogs to tire them out completely before bedtime - swimming, a long walk or run, games of chase or fetch in the yard until they can't run anymore.  You could also put a favorite item to chew on in the crate with them.  

If you have one dog that's going to "complain" more, think about a way you can elevate his crate (on a nightstand?) so that he's at eye level with you and can see you better. Do this for a few nights until he makes the transition to sleeping in the crate.

Once you can get them sleeping in their crates for about a month, you can try putting them in the crate at bedtime, but leaving the doors open.  You may be able to get rid of the crates entirely, but you'll have to be consistent with keeping them off the bed at all times.

Let me know if you have any questions or need clarification.  Good luck!