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HELP! My puppy still pees/poops in house

18 17:54:00

My puppy is five months old now and still goes to the bathroom in the house, i do everything they say. Take him out as soon as he gets up, after he eats or drinks i wait 20-30 minutes,when I get home, and before we go to bed. He is the worse when it is raining. He hates wet grass and will not go to the bathroom outside. Please help me. I don't know what else to do. I even go outside with him and he is still scared! Thank you!

Some dogs aren't fully housetrained until a year old. I would recommend buying a crate and not leaving food and water down for him. Take him out on leash and encourage him to go, try different spots or where other dogs have gone, and bring treats with you for rewards. A great book for this is Shirlee Kalstone's HOW TO HOUSETRAIN YOUR DOG IN 7 DAYS.

Good luck and stick with it!

Josh Abrams,