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having problems with toilet training

18 17:49:17


A friend of ours dog, Oscar is a 5 year old male shitzu (he is desexed) and has recently started weeing and pooing in the house.the door is open all day so he has access to the backyard but still wees and poos inside sometime even right near the door he is has been showing him and saying No but it doesn't seem to be working. do you have any ideas how to stop him?? thanks

An adult dog who has been housetrained and begins suddenly eliminating in the house needs to see a veterinarian.  If medical issues are ruled out, then the owners need to go back to Housetraining 101 - confining the dog when they can't supervise, taking him outside regularly and rewarding him for eliminating in the proper place.

I wonder if something startled the dog outside and he's now afraid to go in the yard - a loud sound, a predator?  If that's possible, then the owners need to go out with him and be sure they make the yard a fun place to be - games, fun and treats.  

Punishing him or pointing out his mistake after the fact doesn't work.  Management and re-training is the way to proceed after they are sure he is healthy.