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My dog is overprotective and i dont know what to do..

18 17:48:39

Ok so my dogs name is oddy and he is about 8 years old. He is a mixed breed, his mom is a saint Bernard lab mix and we are unsure of the dad.. anyway almost everytime someone comes near me he growls and tries to bite them.I think its because when my dad lived with us, me and him didn't get along and we would fight and he would hit me and oddy would try and attack him and one time oddy actually did attack him and my dad beat the crap out of him ever since then he hasn't liked any guys around me period. There has has also been one time where my little brothers friend ran up to the door screaming and he bit her on the butt and she had to get stitches. When people come over even when im not home he growls and tries biting them. Recently he had gotten into a accident and a car hit him and he got a hip replacement and neutered and he wasn't as aggressive and he was doing fine with people until on fourth of July my little cousin was running around and i ran up to him and oddy freaked out and bit him and left a bruise on his side. Now there saying we need pet insurance to cover stuff like that. I just don't know what to do and putting him down is out of the question. Please help.

Generally dogs are protective of their pack, it's their job.  However, a dog should not be making those decisions as to how and when a potential treat is treated, that should be the owner.

Obviously he has had a very bad expereince with your father and this would increase in need not only to prtect himself but you as well.  That he see all people both young and old as a threat is very concerning.

Although you dog has reason to show agression towards those approching you, you should have enough control to tell him, that in those cases he does not need to protect you.

It basically comes down to leadership, in that you have not and do not have the position in your dogs eye as his pack leader.

Working with an professional trainer, will give you the skill set and knowledge on how to establish yourself as your dogs pack leader.

Having him neutreded will help with some of the dominence over you but after 8 years of have that control, it will take some time to fix it.

Work on your leadership skills and for safety have him muzzeled with a basket muzzel, when around other people.