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Trying to lead way

18 17:48:40

I have a 3 yr old Chihuahua/Australian Terrier mix un-neutered male. My issue is that when we go on walks if he is unfamiliar with the area he walks behind me and lets me lead with out hassle, but if we take a path that he is very familiar with he is always trying to get in front of me and lead the way. Other than this he is pretty well behaved. Any suggestions?

Dogs are creatures of habit and when they know where they are going they will always try and lead the way.

Work on waits, and establish yourself as a Pack Leader by doing all things and going all places first.

When he moves ahead, just turn and walk the other way, or use a martingale type collar and make quick snap corrections each time he moves ahead of you.  You can also use your leg, to block him advancing.