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house break my pregnant lhas aspo dog

18 17:49:41

my lhasa apso bitch is having pups and has always been clean around the house and done her buisiness outside,but just recently she has been urinating and messing around the house,is ther anything i can i dont think this is normal because she is havinh pups hoping you can help thankyou alison ward

As with humans, pregnancy can cause difficulties with bodily functions. There are a lot of changes going on, and less and less room for everything to function properly.

Until the pups are born, switch to a basic management strategy. When you are not able to watch her, she should be in a management area that allows her to do her business in an "approved" location. You can always simply use an exercise pen with puppy pads or newspapers.

She should be fine after the big day.

Good luck.