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Lhasa Apso Bite

18 17:49:42

Hi, I have a 11 year old male lhasa whom I have had since before a year old. He has recently been aggressive towards his groomer(only when clipping nails) whom he has been with for 10 years as well. He also rarely will bite me. I can always tell his temperament before this happens. For instance, this morning he likes to go into the bedroom when I am going to leave for work but, I keep him from doing that since he has had some accidents there. I told him to get out of the room and off the bed....he just stared at me...when i got close, he growled a bit. I finally just picked him up and in process he bit me hard. I have a feeling he obviously didnt want to move but, how do I get him from biting his owner? It seems he is acting as a lhasa would temperament wise(he rules). Thank you for any help

Hi Anthony:

Sudden changes in Temperament often indicate a Medical problem.
Thyroid levels are know to effect temperament, and not something most vets always check.
So if the vet finds nothing untoward, have them check the thyroid.

The other consideration is age, dogs can suffer from Dementia/Alzheimer.

Issues suddenly occurring with nail trimming, usually indicate that a quick has been cut, and now the dog fears the pain will happen again and thus reacts.

Changes in environment can also effect a previously well behaved dog.  Such changes can include what we would assume is small things like a new piece of furniture, or re-arranging furniture, to moving homes or new people in the home or that someone has left.

Having said all that, maintaining and/or establishing good leadership skills is key when dealing with dogs.  Remaining clam, using the correct tones and being firm and consistent with commands, establishes good leadership skills.

Leaving a collar and short leash on the dog at all times, will assist in handling, without having to get hands on and thus does not give the dog opportunity to bite.

One other consideration to sudden change in temperament, would be a stroke, as the brain has been effected.

Your question seems to indicate this is a new behaviour, so on that basis, I would suggest a full medical first.